Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 8, 2013

Market assessment tailor in Hoi An

Hoi An tailoring is growing in recent years. Their shops, lining every street, are filled with little women in flowing ao dai (the traditional dress over pantaloons that, aptly quipped, “covers everything, but hides nothing”), all ready to bat their lashes and convince you to order more than you intended. Every day, in shops all over town, the ao dai change colors: Sunday is pink, Monday white, Tuesday gray… Our tailor just shrugged when we asked the origin of the local tradition.
The choices for clothing here are overwhelming. There may well be a hundred or more tailors in and around town and every shop proudly displays the same styles in the same colors out front, none seeming to aspire higher than mid-tier catalog garb. How they all chose to make that particular apple green jacket with the hood and offset closure I do not know. A few of the popular “rack” styles are cute and very on trend. Others look like prom or bad bridesmaid dresses that would be more at home under fluorescent lights in a soulless department store basement. Looking only at the sidewalk showings, I wouldn’t have ordered a thing. Only the relative success stories of friends at home carried me inside.

Bihanh Tailor is one of the few tailor shops in Hoi An that offers a complete service, ranging from good quality materials to top-notch equipments imported from Japan and Germany. Most importantly, we has its owns skillful tailor staff to fulfill its service. Furthermore, we concentrates on best quality products and reasonable prices for its customers so we refuses to give any commission to middleperson in order to set up a fair play market in Hoi An. We believes that both Bihanh itself and its customers will benefit from that practice.

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