Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 9, 2013

Uniquely Cua Van fishing village ( Ha Long )

In recent years, Cua Van fishing village ( Ha Long city ) has emerged as an attractive destination for tourists at home and abroad . Coming here , tourists not only be immersed in a quiet space , tranquility , charm and strange , firsthand views of nature charming , understanding the cultural life of the fishermen but also the female rural fishing village directly guided sightseeing , sailing instructions , nets , drop the shrimp fishing ...

Cua Van fishing village is derived from two ancient fishing village Zhu Jiang Hammock and Hammock , along with the island , became a component of Ha Long Bay , now located in Hung Thang Ward ( Ha Long city ) . Villages Cua Van fishing is inhabited by 176 households , with more than 750 inhabitants , mostly living by fishing . Coming here , tourists easily fascinated by the beauty of the boats , the nets bamboo parked in front of the house, the house truss tied together against the storm , the casual fisherman , but extremely naive hospitality , kids dark skin black , petite but very cheerful smile , innocent ... peaceful landscape , gentle , but contains full definition of a pristine fishing village on bien.Vao Center Cua Van floating cultural model ( cultural Center for the first floating floating fishing communities to be built in Vietnam to conserve , preserve cultural values ​​through the fishing village of traditional activities as exchanges between communities and tourists , tourists will see firsthand and learn hundreds of artifacts , including tools , fishing means of the ancient Vietnamese , more pictures , documentaries , publications on folk culture and life of the residents living in the fishing village of Ha Long Bay Then and Now ... All are reproduced by the model under 6 main topics : natural and man ; livelihoods of fishermen ; material life of fishermen , residents with life aquatic life ; spiritual with spiritual life , for today and for ever after . Guides center is the child of the Cua Van fishing village residents . Through their narrations , tourists will be lost in the world of Cua Van floating villages with the collection of traditional fishing methods in this place . When night falls , tourists will be sailing tour around the village , the fishermen pulled nets , squid sea , the salty air in each of the fishermen . According foot of female rural villages fishing , moonlight bar , guests can travel arrangements are entertaining , thrilling track fun shapes on the rock movement . But the most interesting thing is when visitors manually catch the fish , shrimp mesh to the basket and put the processed manually , enjoy the seafood they catch . nights in the fishing village , or wedding , tourists also be heard singing fishermen teased , cheo sugar ( a form of oratorio with many folk songs endemic Ha Long Bay area .) all make a compelling , unique to infinity .

Not stopping there , chance to Ha Long Tourism Festival this year , Cua Van will continue to be planned and adding new forms of tourism , such as unique visitors Tien Ong cave , the Ba Ham lake , hiking, fishing and Dam ... and the means used to go back to the wooden boat , the Good wood , rowing and kayak fishermen will do the responsible fishing village . Cua Van will become a tourist destination  HaLong tour . After visiting tourists will spend the night at the family fisherman , enjoying the melodies , charming lullabies over , they turn ... Or hotels in Ha Long.Co can tell the tour regularly renewed , increasingly rich program attractive , Cua Van fishing village would become one of the indispensable destination for tourists of the roadmap , as well as hotels in Ha Long will serve resort for tourists to travel to Ha Long . To quote the words of one international tourists rewritten scrapbook of famous cultural center of the problem to the article : " To Vietnam , Ha Long Bay and not the cultural center famous Cua Van , considered as not to Vietnam ... " .

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